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    CII Training - Booking Registration Form

    EVENT: FIT: Award in Insurance

    This series of seminars will guide delegates through the key topics of the CII syllabus, highlight study & exam techniques & build confidence, to help you master the subject.

    • Delegates need to be able to attend all 3 of the seminars, to secure a place on the course.
    • Candidates will be responsible for purchasing their own CII study texts & exam enrolment fees.

    To book a place on this virtual study seminar, please complete the following form

    Name *
    Current Job Role *
    Employer's Name & Address *
    Your Address *
    Mobile *
    Email *
    Are you a CII Member? *
    If CII Member - CII PIN ?

    Places on the study seminars are limited.

    Candidates are also expected to study in their own time, between seminars & complete activities set for them.

    During the live seminars, cameras are to be on to maximise interaction & to promote learning.